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Home / Fabrics / Waffle fabrics / waffle XL

waffle XL

Waffle, waffle cotton, waffle fabric - waffle XL
Indispensable in the baby set! 100% cotton and become fuller after being washed once.
These fabrics are often used for bathrobes, bedding (sheets, summer blankets, crib covers), shawls, baby bathrobes, knitted baby blanket covers, baby wipes, changing mats, bibs, burp cloths, play mat, changing table basket, playpen blanket, stroller sun canopy or maxi cosi, but also many used for sauna cloths and pestemals.
The photo below shows what the large waffle looks like after it has been washed, note that the waffle shrinks approximately 15% (in width and length) not only because it is cotton but also because of the weave.


powder pink waffle xl


€10.00 €6.95
per powder pink waffle xl
waffle xl dark red


€10.00 €6.95
per waffle xl dark red
white waffle xl


€10.00 €6.95
per white waffle xl

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